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Update on Gaza

July 30th, 2024

The conflict in Gaza has been going on for over nine months, marked by mass killings, displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and a blockade. While negotiations for a ceasefire are ongoing, attacks on civilians have intensified, particularly in civilian areas, leaving many children killed or displaced.

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DRA funded part of the cargo composed by 1530 tailored kits to address needs of People with Disabilities and Pregnant and lactating Women, 560 First aid bags for PMRS outreach teams and shelters focal points and 1 pallet with additional various medications in PMRS Warehouse in Gaza City. Credits: Palestinian Medical relief society
DRA funded part of the cargo composed by 1530 tailored kits to address needs of People with Disabilities and Pregnant and lactating Women, 560 First aid bags for PMRS outreach teams and shelters focal points and 1 pallet with additional various medications in PMRS Warehouse in Gaza City. Credits: Palestinian Medical relief society

Terre des Hommes, through its international federation members, has been active in the Palestinian territories for over 50 years. Since the beginning of the recent escalation, Terre des Hommes has been providing assistance to children despite limited capacity. Amidst the current intensified attacks, we remain on the ground, doing all we can to support children.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza now

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently described the situation in Gaza as “a moral stain on us all.” The escalating hostilities between Gaza and Israel have led to unprecedented human suffering, widespread destruction, and profound trauma. According to Gaza's Ministry of Health, over 38,700 Palestinians have been killed, with nearly 90,000 injured and thousands more missing, including many women and children.

Children bear the brunt of this war. More than 14,000 children have lost their lives, with thousands more injured. In Gaza, no place is safe, and every child has been subjected to the horrors of war. The traumatic experiences they have endured will leave lasting scars, shaping their futures in deeply concerning ways.

The humanitarian support system in Gaza is on the verge of collapse, with public order breaking down completely. Recent intensifications of Israeli military operations have left the Rafah area in ruins, with the crossing closed and nearly the entire population of Gaza - 1.9 million people - displaced multiple times. Nowhere in Gaza is safe.

What does Terre des Hommes and partners do now?

Our partner Palestine Medical Relief Society (PMRS) has been operational in Gaza for many years. The are providing essential medical services, including managing the only cancer centre, now ruined, in Gaza. Since the escalation, through PMRS, we have been providing specialised, life-saving medical support targeting pregnant and lactating women, medical supplies for people with chronic illnesses, and physiotherapy and assistive devices (such as crutches, wheelchairs, shower chairs and suction and nebulizer machines) for children and adults with disabilities.

Due to the massive damage to health facilities and the displacement of the population, we have adapted our support to provide mobile medical services in displacement locations. This adaptation allows us to deliver critical, life-saving medical support to the most vulnerable individuals.

In addition to medical support, we are providing basic non-food items for pregnant and lactating mothers, such as hygiene kits, as well as assistive devices for children and adults with disabilities. Our team is also offering psychosocial support to all children and adults receiving medical assistance.

Although we have not been able to work at full capacity since the escalation began, we have managed to provide life-saving medical and protection support to over 80,000 children and adults in Gaza.

Three convoys of medicines and supplies

After over seven months of delays and access negotiations, three convoys of medicines and medical supplies reached Gaza City via the Jordan corridor in the months of June and July. This significant milestone will enable our partners to continue life line medical services in the most affected area. The shipment included essential pharmaceuticals for individuals with chronic diseases and nutritional supplements to support those at risk of malnutrition. Additionally, previously procured baby formula has already been distributed to lactating women, addressing a critical need.

What if the negotiations not succeed?

A permanent ceasefire is imperative - nothing less will suffice. The situation in Gaza has reached catastrophic levels, and there is no safe place for children. They are enduring the severe trauma of war, with 80% of Gaza's children already in need of mental health support even before this escalation. Now, every single person in Gaza is dependent on humanitarian aid.

Humanitarian organisations are not guaranteed safe access to the affected populations, a fundamental prerequisite for delivering aid. Humanitarian workers have become direct targets in this brutal conflict, with over 274 aid workers and more than 500 healthcare workers killed. This is the highest number of humanitarian aid workers killed in recent history.

Without humanitarian supplies, it is impossible to continue providing aid. The deliberate blockade and the constant threats to humanitarian convoys have crippled the ability of humanitarian organisations to deliver aid, pushing a significant portion of Gaza's population to the brink of famine.

What can I do?

As a donor, you can:

  • Provide Financial Support: Contribute funds to TDH to ensure our partners have the resources needed to continue their life-saving efforts for the children in Gaza.
  • Raise Awareness: Use your networks and platforms to highlight the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, encouraging others to support and take action.
  • Engage with Policy Makers: Advocate for the respect of humanitarian law, the protection of civilians and humanitarian workers, and the smooth delivery of aid.

Your support and involvement are crucial in helping TDH and its partners continue their vital work in Gaza, ensuring that those in need receive the assistance and care they deserve.

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