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From Top of the Class to Working as an Electrician: The Journey of Leshan.

July 13th, 2024

At just 22 years old, Leshan's life has been marked by significant challenges. His world was turned upside down when his mother was imprisoned, leaving the family in turmoil. Forced to abandon his education and take on the responsibilities, Leshan struggled to make ends meet while facing the risk of exploitation. Luckily, the ´Training and Employment for Children and Youth at Risk of Sexual Exploitation´ project team provided him with an opportunity to pursue his passion for electrical work.

Leshan* connecting a monitoring equipment to the solar power system.
Leshan* connecting a monitoring equipment to the solar power system.

Life at home

Leshan*, aged 22, lives in a village in Gilgil, Kenya, where he grew up with his parents, his brother, and his sister. His parents both worked in flower farms and earned an income of around 78 euros per month. They lived in a modest double-roomed house. One room served as a bedroom, while the other was partitioned into a kitchen and sitting room. Their bathroom and pit latrine were located outside the house. They would access water during the rainy season or purchase water in a nearby kiosk when necessary. Unfortunately, their home lacked a proper playground for children to play.

School life

Leshan attended a Primary School in Gilgil, where he sat for his KCPE exams in 2017, scoring 266 marks. The family's financial struggles took a toll on Leshan's daily life. Often, he would attend school without having breakfast, and sometimes he would miss lunch, relying on relatives for meals. There were instances where he had to be absent from school to care for his younger siblings. Sadly, no support was received from the local welfare agencies. 

In 2021, his mother was accused of selling drugs, was arrested by the police in their home, and imprisoned for ten years after a court ruling was made, leaving the family devastated. Despite his efforts to continue his education in High School, Leshan was compelled to drop out in form 2 due to the constraints faced by his father in the absence of his mother's income. Sadly, his siblings were placed in a children's home, while Leshan was left in the care of his father.

Struggles and Disruption

Left without a mother's guidance, Leshan found himself thrust into adulthood prematurely. To make ends meet, he took on odd jobs, such as washing tents, for which he was paid a meager amount of approximately one euro. Despite facing financial hardship, he remained true to his principles. He refused to resort to other means of earning money, despite peer pressure from his friends who suggested he could easily obtain money from men/women in exchange for sexual favors.

¨Life was very hard, getting food and basic needs was not easy. I can't even express my emotions back then in words.¨ Leshan narrated.

Selected and Enrolled

In early 2022, while playing football with his coach, who also happened to be his friend, Leshan learned about the project implemented by Terre des Hommes Netherlands in partnership with K-NOTE: The ´Training and Employment for Children and Youth at Risk of Sexual Exploitation´ project. This project focuses on preventing and responding to sexual exploitation by offering vocational skills development, access to decent work, and income-earning opportunities. By empowering victims and youth at risk of sexual exploitation with the skills to build a better future, this project not only safeguards their well-being but also contributes to breaking the cycle of exploitation in their communities.

Intrigued by the opportunity, Leshan decided to visit the K-NOTE offices to learn more. There, he completed a registration form and had discussions with the social worker and the Community Resource Person, who provided further details about the project. 

Days later, he received a text message from the K-NOTE project team, inviting him for another visit. To his delight, he was informed that he had been enrolled in an electrical course at a technical institute. He dedicated himself to gaining knowledge as he pursued the course, studying hard for six months and completing the NITA exams, emerging as the top student in his class.

Trained and supported

Upon completing the electrical course, Leshan was connected with an experienced electrician who mentored him to enhance his skills. His mentor also referred clients to him for various electrical tasks such as fixing sockets and bulbs, for which he earned a minimum of 3.2 Euros per job. Currently, Leshan primarily secures clients through his mentor's referrals as he continues to strengthen his skills.

As part of the project, he underwent life skills and counselling sessions aimed at safeguarding him from exploitation. He received mentorship skills, guided by his mentor. He also underwent training on entrepreneurship where he learned how to develop a business plan. This ignited his passion to establish his electrical shop in the future.

In January 2023, Leshan received a start-up kit comprising essential tools such as testers, pliers, drills, and screwdrivers, further equipping him for his business as an electrician.

Positive transformation

Leshan's daily routine begins at 7:00 am, as he prepares himself for the day ahead. If he has a contractual job scheduled, he promptly heads to the client's location by 8:00 am to commence work. However, on days without scheduled contracts, Leshan spends his time at a friend's electrical shop in Gilgil, where he awaits job opportunities. 

On good days, Leshan can earn up to 5.8 euros, although there are days when he doesn't receive any payment at all. Despite the fluctuating income, there has been a noticeable improvement in the household since Leshan started working, as he can now afford to provide daily meals and purchase personal items like clothes and shoes. His hard work and independence have enabled him to pay rent and cover other expenses.

Leshan mantains contact with his siblings, providing the emotional support that the family should provide when visiting them at a children's home where they were placed after their mother was jailed. 

In November 2023, Leshan moved to a permanent rental house that offers amenities like electricity and a compound for drying clothes. However, the house lacks access to water, so Leshan purchases water from a nearby kiosk as needed. 

Leshan's commitment to his work and determination to avoid negative influences have contributed to his progress. He is closely monitored by the K-NOTE project team, with regular visits occurring at least twice a month.

Future Aspirations

"Everything has changed for the better. I'm making good money doing what I love most," he explained. "Now, I have work and I'm no longer idle with nothing to do. Life is fair now compared to how it was before."

Speaking about his future, Leshan expressed optimism and determination.“ I want to be my own boss and be recognised in society as someone who employs other youth in the area.¨ He shared. “I want to own my electric shop someday.¨

*name changed to protect the identity of the project participant.

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