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The Supervisory Board supervises the management and the general course within the organisation. The Board determines the main lines of Terre des Hommes' policy, supervises its implementation, acts as a sounding board and provides advice.

Children playing with a ball
Terre des Hommes | We fight child exploitation worldwide. Join our fight.

Our members of the Supervisory Board

Bas Verheijen, Member Supervisory Board, Terre des Hommes

Bas Verheijen

Bas Verheijen is Director Marketing and Format at HEMA. Since september 2017 he is a member of our Supervisory Board. "From the moment my children wake up, they have a plan, a goal. "Dad, today I'm going to build a hut, or make a painting." Trying new things makes everyone happy. Elsewhere in the world, children have one and the same goal every day: survival. On plantations, in mines, in prostitution. As long as this inequality exists, Terre des Hommes is needed. I am happy to be able to make a contribution. "


Marianne Verhaar-Strijbos

Marianne Verhaar-Strijbos is Managing Director Wealth Management at Banque J. Safra Sarasin, a leading Swiss private bank. Since June 2022 she is Chairman of the Supervisory Board. “Protecting children from exploitation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. We must listen intently and ensure that the voices of young people are heard. And do everything we can to help children thrive, as they live right now and are our hope for the future and for the betterment of future generations."


Jordi Bakker

Jordi Bakker is partner/owner of JAN© Accountants & Adviseurs. Since January 2023 he is member of our Supervisory Board. "As adults, we have a responsibility to take care of our children. In some places in the world, children are not taken care of. Instead there is even exploitation. Terre des Hommes fights against this exploitation. However small, I am happy to be able to contribute to this fight.”


Joost Schutte

Joost Schutte is a public prosecutor. Since January 2023 he is a member of our Supervisory Board. “It is the open-mindedness in children that often touches me the most. And children who are exploited can no longer view the world with an open mind. That is why I am happy that Terre des Hommes fights against the exploitation of children and that I can help in this.”


Margreet van Steijn

"No one should exploit children. A heroic approach is necessary to get exploitation out of the world. That is what Terre des Hommes has been doing with heart and soul since its foundation. In ever-innovative ways that fit the spirit of the times, such as now with the strategy to be a catalyst for system change. And to make the voice of children really count. I am happy to contribute to giving so many children a flying start in life"

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Tjipke Bergsma

Tjipke Bergsma

Tjipke Bergsma has been committed to children's rights since the 1980s in various management positions and regions at leading children's aid and children's rights organisations. He has been a member of our Supervisory Board since July 2023. “Children's rights are heavily violated all over the world. The worst violations of those rights are exploitation and abuse. Terre des Hommes has been fighting with heart and soul for children's rights for years and I am happy to be able to contribute to this through a role in the Supervisory Board.”

Our annual report

We think it's important to let you know what happens to donations. Through films, photos and written words, our annual report shows what we have achieved all year in the fight against child exploitation.

Download the Annual Report
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