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Executive Summary VOICE report "Speaking Up for Change"

The VOICE report "Speaking Up For Change" emphasises the necessity of effective safety measures and children's participation in shaping online safety policies. The Executive Summary of this report is now available in all the languages in which the VOICE project was conducted.

VOICE project: focus group discussion with children in Bolivia
VOICE project: focus group discussion with children in Bolivia

By children, for children and with children

The VOICE-research of Terre des Hommes, ECPAT International and Eurochild explores the perspectives of youth and their parents on safety from online sexual abuse and exploitation. It also sheds lights on the worries and needs of these groups that relate to online safety, which are important points to bring to tech companies and governments and lobby for better policies.

The research report contains a detailed description of all findings, but we also wanted to ensure that the most important results can be read by anyone. That is why we worked together with the Eurochild's Youth Council to create an accessible version of the report.

Young people could choose which findings were the most interesting and relevant for them and decided on how this should be presented. The designer of the VOICE-project incorporated their wishes into a draft design, which they discussed page by page to ensure that it was how they intended it to be. Take a look at the result and the VOICE research findings here!

Download the accesible VOICE report here

The VOICE project, conducted by ECPAT International, Eurochild, and Terre des Hommes Netherlands on behalf of the Down to Zero Alliance, engaged children and caregivers in 15 countries to inform policy discussions on digital safety.

The Executive Summary is now available in all the VOICE project languages: Bengali, Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai

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