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Lebanon is facing a humanitarian crisis with multiple drivers. On one hand, the political and economic instability have been resulting in increased unemployment, inflation and poverty. Since October 2023, the escalation of tensions between Hezbollah and Israel has displaced about 900,000 people, disrupting their livelihoods and increasing their needs for shelter, food, and cash assistance. The country also hosts around 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Almost the entire Syrian population in Lebanon lives on an income that does not cover basic needs. Around 27% of Syrian refugees in the country are food-insecure.

Girl in schoolclass writing on board

Our work in Lebanon

We have been in Lebanon since 2019, providing different services for vulnerable children and their families from both Lebanon as well as from Syria. Children can experience traumatic things and have all their daily activities and connections disrupted. They miss their normal life. Their school. Their friends. It is important that they are well protected and helped.

In 2019, the “Back to the Future” project provided a protective and nurturing environment to increase access to school, inclusion and retention for Syrian refugee children impacted by war, and to vulnerable Lebanese. 

We provided a safe place for children. They received special psychosocial help and education in child-friendly spaces. Together with their families and communities, they can process their difficult experiences and learn to deal with their new circumstances. They can also make up for missed school lessons.


We help as many children as possible

On the 4th August 2020, the Lebanese capital, Beirut, was struck by an explosion leaving thousands of people injured, and tens of thousands of families instantly homeless. Children have lost their parents, and food and medicine supplies have been disrupted. 

From day 1, Terre des Hommes immediately started working to assess the needs of children, and provide emergency aid to affected children and their families. We provided psychological support and recreational activities. The psychological sessions provided stress-relieving games that could be recreated at home without extra financial expenses for the family members to play together. “I don’t have toys at home” mentions one of the project participants. “We play the game of the chairs. All the children have the right to play these games”.

We also distributed cash and hygiene kits in the most affected neighbourhoods, and helped children get back to school.

She Leads Lebanon

In Lebanon, social and gender norms, shrinking civic space, and discriminatory laws contribute to upholding gender inequalities and discourage girls and young women from speaking out. Formal and informal youth-led organisations and women-led organisations are facing a growing pressure from discriminatory social institutions, political figures, and religious leaders, that restrict their access to resources and opportunities. 

Terre des Hommes uses a gender transformative approach that aims at eliminating the structural barriers to gender equality, tackling the root causes of gender inequalities, working at all levels.

See more in She Leads


The results we achieved till now (mid 2024) include the following:

Total people reached: 4,389. Including:

  • Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Children: 595 beneficiaries reached
  • PFA for Caregivers: 245 beneficiaries reached
  • Psychosocial support (PSS) for Children: 391 beneficiaries reached 
  • Community Based PSS for Children: 523 beneficiaries reached
  • Caregivers Support Program: 293 beneficiaries reached 
  • Individual Counselling: 373 beneficiaries reached
  • Case Management: 108 beneficiaries reached
  • Emergency Cash Assistance: 85 beneficiaries reached
  • Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance: 55 HHs reached (296 individuals)
  • Awareness on Child Protection: 433 beneficiaries reached
  • Awareness on Covid-19:  1,101 beneficiaries reached
  • Hygiene Kits Distribution: 514 beneficiaries reached

Our programmes


Back to the Future

21.700 refugee and local vulnerable children received educational support. Hundreds of thousands of refugee ch…


Humanitarian action

Humanitarian emergencies, such as those resulting from armed conflicts, natural disasters, climate change, and…


She Leads

The She Leads programme fights for the rights, leadership and agency of girls and young women (GYW). It is an…

Learn about our programmes

Our partners in Lebanon

Together with experienced partners we are working towards a world without child exploitation, where young people can feel safe today and better about tomorrow. Join our fight.

EU Madad Fund
Visit the website of the EU Madad Fund

Contact us

Zoutmanstraat 42-44
Den haag
+31 70 3105000

Business hours

Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17.00

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