"I can share all my problems openly now and I'm super motivated to achieve my goals", said Supreetha who was once struggling to speak up. She is a 19-year-old early married girl and a movement leader from Amalapuram village in India. Supreetha among many who attended the Movement Leaders Orientation Workshop.
As part of empowering early married girls, Terre des Hommes Netherlands is building a movement of these girls where they would be capacitated to stand up, advocate, and fight for their rights and get their demands met. In lieu of this, early married girls displaying confidence and good communication skills were selected as leaders of this movement.
The 53 leaders who attended the workshop in Belagavi district of Karnataka were refreshed and regenerated to continue advocating against child marriages.
This type of workshops provide awareness on married adolescent girls’ concerns in their respective villages. They gained more clarity on their roles and responsibilities, which includes sensitising and leading their small groups in their villages. Engaging early married girls in a conversation about their lives helps in developing a cohesive and empowering environment where they participate in creating solutions for the problems that they experience first-hand.
The workshop also gave the leaders the knowledge about the Government Welfare Schemes with respect to early married girls and how the movement leaders can further share this knowledge with their small groups.
These change agents benefited from being given a place to share their concerns and were extremely enthusiastic to be leaders in their communities, especially for other vulnerable girls.