On 20th June, Terre des Hommes Netherlands brought together government officials, law enforcement authorities, the international and national civil society, researchers and the press for a common cause - to address child exploitation in Cambodia. Our validation workshop on the 'Situational Analysis of Child Exploitation in Cambodia' presented findings and insights from an in-depth study on the critical issues faced by children in the country.
At Terre des Hommes Netherlands, we strongly believe in fostering collaborative efforts. We engage with all stakeholders in the ecosystem. This helps us arrive at the root causes of concern and nurture a community working for systemic change
Yesterday, on 20th June, we brought together government officials, law enforcement authorities, the international and national civilsociety, researchers and the media for a common cause - to address child exploitation in Cambodia.
Our validation workshop on the 'Situational Analysis of Child Exploitation in Cambodia' presented findings and insights from an in-depth study on the critical issues faced by children in the country.
Through the study we understood that the major issues affecting Cambodia's children are in Worst forms of Child Labour, Child Migration, Children left behind as well Sexual Exploitation from Travel and Tourism. We presented the areas which needed systems strengthening as well as the scope for new interventions.
The objective of this event was to initiate a collaborative and compelling call for action towards addressing child exploitation.
The workshop had over 60 participants, with esteemed officials representing the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT). The workshop was also covered on the popular BTV News Cambodia