We are pleased to welcome Tjipke Bergsma as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Terre des Hommes Netherlands. “It is a pleasure that after my period as interim director I was asked to remain involved in this great organisation.”
From December 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022, Tjipke was appointed as interim director at Terre des Hommes. During that period, Tjipke made a major contribution to formulating a new strategic direction and streamlining the organisational structure.
Tjipke is an experienced supervisor and, as a former director of War Child and Plan International Netherlands, among others, brings over 30 years of valuable knowledge and experience in the sector. His expertise in program development and implementation and industry leadership is a great addition to our Supervisory Board. Tjipke says: “It is a pleasure that after my period as interim director I was asked to remain involved in this great organisation. With full confidence in the direction the organisation is taking and the strong team, I am now happy to contribute further as a member of the Supervisory Board.”
With the addition of Tjipke Bergsma, our Supervisory Board now consists of six members, including Marianne Verhaar-Strijbos (chairman), Bas Verheijen, Jordi Bakker, Joost Schutte and Margreet van Steijn.
The members receive no remuneration for their work and have no business relationships with Terre des Hommes.