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The story of Lyad - The WiFi catcher

January 14th, 2021

Lyad, now 14 years of age, left Syria in 2013 and settled with his parents at the Adwe camp in North Lebanon. His father sadly passed away shortly after. Lyad is one of our hardest working students, despite the many constraints he faces such as the lack of network connection and proper tools, in addition to the frequent electricity cuts.

The boy they call the “WiFi catcher” will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams.
The boy they call the “WiFi catcher” will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams.

The unstoppable WiFi catcher

“We barely get any internet connection in these parts so I am always running around when I have some free time on my hands to try and catch a Wi-Fi signal from one of our neighbors” says a smiling Lyad.

Lyad also suffers from delayed growth. But this has never stopped him from striving towards what he wants to achieve. His determination to continue his education has been an inspiration for many of his peers, and teachers alike.

 “We call him the Wi-Fi catcher!” says Ghada, Lyad’s facilitator. “He’s unstoppable!”


“I dream of becoming a professional photographer.I want to take photos of the things and the people I love and save them forever.”

Lyad's passion for learning

Lyad’s time is divided between supporting his family by working in the olive tree fields and pursuing his studies. He barely has any time to rest. His dedication and love for learning meant doubling his efforts in order to stay in touch with his facilitator, who was extremely flexible to receive and respond to Lyad's inquiries, even if late at night or in the early hours of the morning.

Lyad has been actively involved in our Basic Literacy and Numeracy activities, under the project Back to the Future, while also learning mathematics, Arabic and French.

Lyad's passion for learning even led him to reach out for help from neighbors who let him access their Wi-Fi in order to contact his facilitator and pursue his lessons, showing exceptional commitment to his cause.

 The boy they call the “WiFi catcher” will stop at nothing to achieve his dreams.

Back to the Future
Back to the Future is funded by the European Union in Lebanon, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, and implemented in partnership by AVSI Middle East, Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon and WarChild in Lebanon.
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