An Android Mobile Application by Terre des Hommes Netherlands to help Mica dependent families to access Government Social Protection/Welfare schemes
Launched in November 2020 in India, the Pahal Mica App by TdH-NL provided Mica dependent families a platform to receive information on various government social protection and social welfare schemes entitled to them and serves as a guide for their application. The application is available in English as well as one of the community’s local languages - Hindi.
With a user friendly interface, the app has three sections, one with latest schemes and the other two with Social Protection and Social Welfare schemes respectively. On tapping the scheme, the family member is directed to various sections on the scheme such as About, Eligibility, Required documents, How to apply, Whom to contact etc. which clearly instruct the family member on how to proceed. Every family member needs to login to the app prior to its use by entering his/her mobile number which further proves useful in application and tracking.
Since November 2020, close to 1500 applications were successful and the respective families were able to avail these schemes.