In cooperation with the Dutch Relief Alliance, Terre des Hommes is launching a humanitarian action in Nigeria. In early September, an important dam broke in the northeast of the country. This caused severe flooding that was compounded by heavy rainfall. According to the United Nations (OCHA), more than 414 thousand people were affected.
The floods brought great damage to the area. As infrastructure has been significantly affected and crops have been damaged, livelihoods are severely affected. People have also had to flee to relief camps where there is a shortage of emergency aid. For example, there is an urgent need for protective equipment and sanitation, especially among women and children.
Terre des Hommes is able to help about 25 thousand people affected by the floods. We do this by opening safe, gender-segregated, toilets with hand-washing stations. We are repairing existing water points, for sufficient and safe water, and we are distributing hygiene kits and soap.
But we are also looking at safety aspects. For example, child-friendly spaces will be set up for psychosocial help and there will be recreational activities for children. And we identify and support children at risk of abuse and exploitation, help children with disabilities and children that are separated from their families.
For women and girls, we are going to support those at risk or are victims of gender based violence.
This humanitarian action has the duration of six months and is a collaboration within the Dutch Relief Alliance. For humanitarian aid in Nigeria we are working together with Plan Netherlands, Oxfam Novib, ZOA, Stichting Vluchteling and Care.