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Kenya: food & hygiene support remains essential during COVID-19 crisis

June 26th, 2020

As the COVID-19 cases are still increasing and spreading across Kenya, Terre des Hommes continues to support the children and families from our projects. Priorities in our support are prevention and hygiene materials, as well as food and other basic supplies. Distribution is combined with awareness on what COVID-19 is and how it can be prevented.

Girl washing her hands in Marsabit County, Kenya
Regular and thorough handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus

Prevention materials with instructions

Children who grow up in areas where access to water is a challenge, need instructions on how to best wash their hands. Their families receive essential hygiene materials, such as face masks, soap, sanitiser, tippy taps, jerry cans and tanks to carry and store water. At the same time, children and their parents have been demonstrated how these materials should be used to prevent COVID-19.

Handwashing stations

Regular and thorough handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Key public places in Terre des Hommes’ work have therefore been equipped with handwashing stations. One of these places is the Child Protection Unit at the Busia border point, near the border crossing with neighbouring Uganda.

Essential items for displaced families

The families in Busia county that are displaced as a result of flooding in their home area, have received essential items for their temporary homes. Each household has gotten a set of blankets and bedsheets, mosquito nets, as well as jerry cans for storing clean drinking water and reusable sanitary towels for girls and women. The same families are benefiting from the cash transfers to feed their children during this doubly challenging time, as they have to cope with the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak together with their displacement.

Cash transfers across Kenya

Families that have become increasingly economically vulnerable, are supported with cash transfers. The cash transfers enable them to purchase household food and other basic needs. With these COVID-19 responses, Terre des Hommes is reaching out to children and their families across the country, in Busia, Marsabit, Kwale and Nairobi counties.

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