As our programme in Kenya evolves throughout the year with projects being developed on a rolling basis, Terre des Hommes Netherlands is looking for potential partnerships to deliver our projects. Local civil society organisations that meet the criteria are invited to apply for pre-qualification.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) develops projects on a rolling basis. This means that programmes evolve as opportunities emerge at any time of the year. This necessitates having a pool of credible and capable prequalified local NGOs, from whom Project Partners can be identified to support the delivery of a given project and in a particular geographical focus area. It is also from this pool that TdH-NL can co-create evidence based projects with project partners and targeted beneficiaries.
This pre-qualification has two main objectives:
We are looking for local civil society organisations that fit the following description and requirements:
The full Terms Of Reference, including a concise description of Terre des Hommes Netherlands' programmatic themes and approach, are available for download here:
TdH-NL Prequalification of Partners in Kenya September 2020
Interested potential partners are strongly advised to read this TOR carefully and seek clarification where and if needed, before submitting their application.
All interested organisations must fill in the TdH-NL Partner Capacity Assessment Form Kenya
All applications must be received by COB 2nd October 2020 via email to
Any requests for clarification on this call should be directed to
As part of the prequalification process, all candidate organisations shall undergo a detailed partner capacity assessment process.
We regret that due to the expected high number of applicants, only NGOs in whom we shall have further interest will be contacted.