A child-friendly version of the 2022 report to the UN General Assembly: A safe and healthy environment for and with all children. The climate crisis is one of the major global threats of our times, and children have been alerting the world for years. We need to act NOW, fast and efficiently to save our planet.
A child-friendly version of the 2022 report to the UN General Assembly by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children.
Meet Najat Maalla M’jid: The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children. She reports to children who are taking action to stop violence everywhere.
The climate crisis is one of the major global threats of our times, and children have been alerting the world for years. The world is facing a climate crisis. Although the climate is always changing, this time it’s different: Human activity is causing changes in the atmosphere, the land and the ocean.
Some children think that it doesn’t affect them, but in fact, 1 billion children - that is almost half of the children in the world - are at very high risk of the impacts of the climate crisis, as you can see in the report.
When the climate crisis is also combined with other existing factors (like poverty, food insecurity, conflicts and wars, social inequalities and humanitarian crises), it can increase or worsen violence against children.
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children invites you to an interactive dialogue about how the climate crisis affects violence against children. Simultaneous translation will be available. Children will be able to post questions.
This dialogue will happen around her reporting to the General Assembly, and soon a child-friendly version of her report to the General Assembly will be made available, and sent to your e-mail. Stay put!
The event will be moderated by children and you will be able to post questions for the Special Representative.
Co-organizing partners: Arigatou International, Child Rights Connect, CovidUnder19, Terre des Hommes, Tremendas, World Organization of the Scout Movement.