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From Bearing the Weight of being a breadwinner to pursuing dreams in school: Faith´s story

June 3rd, 2024

Faith*, aged 16, when she was identified, and is now 17 years, was raised in a small village located in Teso-North, Kenya, alongside her mother and siblings. With the untimely passing of their father, the burden of providing for the family fell upon the children's shoulders. Among the six siblings, Faith lives with four of them. The second eldest sibling now resides in Nairobi, employed as a house help, while the youngest sibling lives with their aunt.

Faith studying inside her home
Faith studying inside her home

Life at home

Faith's family lives on a small plot with three simple small houses made of mud and grass thatched roofs. One house has a living room and bedroom where Faith, her mother and her siblings sleep. They also have a separate kitchen and another house for her eldest brother. Their toilet and bathroom are located outside. The family grows maize on a small farm for consumption. Faith plays with her siblings and friends at a nearby playground. They fetch water from a borehole at the school and rely on solar lights at night. If they get sick, they seek medical assistance at the nearby public clinic.

The Impact of Loss

Before their father's passing in 2022, Faith's family enjoyed a comfortable life in the village, with both parents providing for their needs. However, everything changed after his death, as he was the primary breadwinner. 

Faith vividly remembers the tragic events surrounding her father's death when she was 15 years old. His sudden absence left a void, and the news of his untimely demise shattered their world. After the funeral in 2022, sometime in December, her mother battled severe depression. She became withdrawn and experienced hallucinations, convinced that voices were calling out to her. Neglecting basic self-care, she stopped eating, drinking, bathing and would sleep a lot.  Concerned neighbours claimed that her condition was a ´curse´, implying that her late husband's spirit haunted her. Faith, feeling powerless in the face of her mother's suffering, could only pray for her recovery.

Despite her young age of 15 years, Faith assumed the role of a caregiver, managing household chores, farming to earn money for food and essentials and taking care of her mother. Some neighbours would occasionally support her with food supplies as they sympathised with the family. Sometimes, they would survive on a single meal a day, consisting of staple foods like Ugali, greens, cassava, or maize, if available.

A Childhood Lost

Faith is currently in Grade 7, nearing the end of her primary schooling journey. However, her academic performance has been affected by various challenges she faces. While she sometimes does well in exams, there are times when she struggles. Financial difficulties have made it hard for her to stay in school, and she has always been at risk of being sent home since she was in Grade 5. Fortunately, her teacher understands her situation and allows her and her siblings to continue attending school.

In places like Busia, children often have to take on adult responsibilities to support their families. Living with a parent who suffers from depression adds to their burdens, affecting their schoolwork and emotional well-being. Faith has experienced this firsthand. Since Grade 5, when she was 15 years old, she's been working on people´s farms to earn money for her family, sometimes alongside her siblings. Faith earns a meagre income of 1.2 euros per day, which is used to purchase essential items like maize, oil, and soap. She would work a lot, and get tired. Most of the time, she would get a headache. Sadly, the family often goes hungry when it rains and work becomes scarce. Taking care of her mom is an added responsibility, making life even more unbearable for Faith. 

“I feel so bad when I see my mum depressed. She is sick. She does not eat as much. She can’t talk to us anymore. I am deeply affected. I miss school and I don't have money to buy things for myself or my brothers and sisters.¨She recalled.

A Beacon of Hope

Faith's situation came to light when the local assistant chief noticed her working on a school day in March 2023 and reported it to the children's office. Upon receiving the report, the ICS SP mentor working on the Action Against Child Labour Project, visited Faith at her home to explain the project and the support available to her. The Action Against Child Labour Project is a project implemented by Terre des Hommes Netherlands and Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS SP). The project aims at exposing and eliminating child labour in all its forms in the service industry in Matayos and Teso North Sub-Counties, Busia County.

Faith actively participated in a case conference where her needs were carefully assessed. Generous stakeholders who attended the conference contributed funds to support her family in buying seeds and fertiliser for their farm. Subsequently, Faith received essential scholastic materials, including 12 books, 5 pens, 5 sharpeners and 5 erasers. Additionally, partial payment of her school fees of 13.7 Euros (KSH. 2000) was arranged to ensure she could continue her education. During the conference, concerns about her mother's health were also raised. The project team facilitated a referral to a counsellor in July 2023 affiliated with the Directorate of Children's Services (DCS). Faith's mother received counselling and is currently on medication. The mother was assessed and referred for psychiatric care in a hospital. 

¨I am happy that I am still in school because part of my school fees was paid and I got some books. My mother can now go outside and she talks to us more which is good to see.¨ She explained.

Daily Life

During the school week, from Monday to Friday, Faith's day begins at 6:30 am. After bathing, she takes care of household chores like cleaning the house, tidying up the compound and washing utensils. Then, she heads to school where she studies in class and enjoys playing with her friends during breaks. Returning home at 5:00 pm, she collects firewood, prepares dinner, and eats. Afterward, she spends time reading, praying, and eventually goes to bed by 9:00 pm. On Saturdays, Faith works on people's farms, and on Sundays, she attends church. She enjoys playing football and running during her free time.

Positive change

Faith expressed gratitude for the support she received, emphasising its positive impact on her education and her ability to continue attending classes. She stated, "The support helped me. I can now continue with classes and use the books and pens given to me to write." I want to continue to work hard in school and change my life for the better."

Future dreams

Expressing her desire for her mother's recovery and her siblings' support, she said, "I want to work hard and pass exams. I want my mum to be helped and fully recover. I would like my other siblings to be supported as well. I want life to change and for us to be a strong family again with our loving mother."

Looking ahead to her future, Faith shared her future dreams stating, "In the future, when I grow up, I would like to be a doctor and help other children."

*Name changed to protect the identity of the project participant.

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