Pendo, an immensely popular radio presenter at a radio station in Kwale County (Kenya), is the voice of the girls and young women in her community. Her life is turned upside down when a desperate young girl calls the radio station for help. Putting aside her career and creating powerful enemies along the way, Pendo sets out on a rescue mission. She discovers that the people she looks up to in the society are not whom they appear to be. Pendo also discovers a great strength from her ordinary neighbours. This is a story of how girls and young women can rise up against the odds and drive change in the community.
This film which is based on real life experiences, was produced through a co-creation process involving girls and young women (as the primary co-creators); community members and leaders; and key representatives from the government, civil society and private sector, under the Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) programme. Through a youth-led advocacy campaign, the GAA programme has empowered and supported girl advocates in Kwale County to access platforms to share their narratives and perspectives, through the production of this feature film; Nambwa FM.
Through their participation, the girls and young women have been able to tell their stories in compelling ways that inspire and influence change among community members and leaders, policy makers, duty bearers and decision makers in government, the civil society and private sector. The upshot of this has been skills transfer, income generation from talent and being at the forefront in advocating for the desired social change.
Nambwa FM will premiere nationwide in Kenya through the national TV channel KTN Home, on Saturday 5 September 2020 from 5 PM local time.
The Girls Advocacy Alliance is an initiative of Plan Nederland, Defence for Children - ECPAT Netherlands and Terre des Hommes Netherlands. Advocating for Girls is funded by and implemented in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands in collaboration with the Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW), has been implementing the Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) programme in Kwale County since 2016, through engagement of communities, civil society organisations, policy makers, duty bearers and decision makers in government and the private sector.