Online safety for children training module (Kenya)

As part of its Safe Online project in Kenya, the training module on online safety for children was initiated by Terre des Hommes Netherlands, and developed together with its partners ChildLine Kenya and African Institute for Children Studies. The manuals intend to create awareness among children, parents and caregivers to be able to identify, respond and prevent online abuse and exploitation.
Risks and dangers online
The Internet is a window to the world and creates many opportunities for learning and discovery. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a safe space, in particular for children who are often not aware of the risks and dangers. Especially at times when children are increasingly hanging out online, such as during the current Covid-19 pandemic, they need to be equipped with knowledge and skills to stay safe online.
Animated videos for each session!
The Online Safety for Children training has a multi-media approach. To accompany the training manuals (facilitator’s guide and student workbook), the module contains an animated story. These animations combine practical safety tips with a dramatised story, to bring the issue of online safety to life. There are seven animated videos, one for each session.
You can find the videos on YouTube: Online safety for children training module (Kenya).
Download the facilitator’s guide on online safety for children (Kenya)Download the student workbook on online safety for children (Kenya)